Economic Structural Data
Population (31.12.2022) | 15.519 | |
Employees Subject to German Social Security | 8.105 | |
Service Share 2014 | 76 % | |
Purchasing Power 2019 | 122,7 % | (FRG = 100 %) |
Tax Assessment Rates 2025 | 395 % 0 % 900 % | |
Net Commercial Tax Share | 85% | |
Industrial Property Reserves** | ca. 3 hectares | |
Price for Industrial Lots | € 270 - | 700/sqm |
Travel Connections |
2 S-Bahn metropolitan railway stations: Schwalbach Nord and Schwalbach am Taunus (Limes) on the S3 metropolitan railway line that connects the cities of Darmstadt and Bad Soden via the Frankfurt Exhibition Grounds (Messe) and Frankfurt Central Train Station (Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof) stops.
*) Corresponds, for the most part, with the number of local jobs, excluding self-employed, civil servants and part-time employees. Sources: Wirtschaftsförderung Region Frankfurt RheinMain (business development organization), Hessisches Statistisches Landesamt (Hessian State Statistical Office), GfK Marktforschung (market research company)
**) This refers to industrial property reserves intended for business development that will probably be available for construction during a timeframe of up to two years.